Ray and Vi Donovan from The Chris Donovan Trust came to John Keble School...
Ray and Vi have a very powerful story to tell. Their son, Chris, was murdered by 3 teenage gang members.
Ray and Vi spoke to Years 4, 5 and 6 separately and they held a workshop for parents. They spoke about what it felt like to lose their son. They talked about their Restorative Journey and how they had met their son's killers to find out why the boys had killed Chris. They explained how they found out that the boys were trying to gain the respect of their friends though violence.
Their story demonstrated clearly to us the impact of our actions on others. It also showed us how dangerous bad friendships can be and showed us that they are often these bad friendships are not true friendships.
Ray and Vi spoke about forgiveness and how we need to forgive, even when we do not forget.
This is their website. http://www.chrisdonovantrust.org/restorative-justice