Healthy Schools Gold Award!!!
John Keble School have just been awarded The Gold Healthy Schools Award, the first school to achieve the gold status in Brent.
To gain this award, the school worked incredibly hard in relation to two priorities.
Firstly, we increased the amount of physical exercise taken by pupils and ensuring safe travel. This was achieved through events like Walk and Roll Wednesdays, Bling Your Bike and Shoesday, giving information on road safety skills and running bike workshops. We also have a dedicated pupil group who help with traffic patrols and deliver safety information to children so they can walk, bike and scoot to school safely. We also promoted healthy eating around sugar and some of the children participated in the school’s North London Half-Marathon.
Secondly, we have been working to improve the dental health of Nursery children. Activities included running dental health workshops for parents, ensuring all EYFS children now brush their teeth every day at school, helping parents to sign up their children to a dentist, providing dentist role play equipment for Nursery children and celebrating dentist visits in class.