Success for all!
A positive, growth mind-set is crucial for Mathematics. All pupils can achieve in Mathematics through practice, support, hard-work and endurance! At John Keble, we are growing in confidence and resilience with our Maths learning. Children have opportunities to stay together as a class and work through new content.
Aims of the National Curriculum - Fluency, reasoning and problem solving
- Problem solving - Pupils use mathematical concepts they have learnt to solve complex problems and apply knowledge to real-life situations.
- Reasoning - It is very important pupils speak and write about Mathematics. Pupils are learning to explain their Mathematics learning in full sentences. They are learning to explain how they know an answer is right.
- Fluency - It is important that pupils recall facts promptly and apply mathematical knowledge accurately. Pupils are learning to make connections in Mathematics.
Maths Mastery – The C-P-A approach
Maths is everywhere!
It is vital that pupils fully understand key number concepts (rather than memorise a process). At John Keble, we are exploring Maths through a C-P-A approach. Together, these elements help pupils fully understand what they’ve learnt, so they can explain and show their understanding with objects, pictures and real-life examples. Objects and pictures are used to demonstrate and visualise ideas, alongside numbers and symbols.
Concrete – children use objects to help them understand and explain their Maths learning
Pictorial – children use pictures to represent their understanding
Abstract – when children can explain and show their understanding, they can move on to represent their understanding using numbers and symbols.
Maths success criteria:
Describe in your own words
Represent in different ways - using concrete materials, pictures and symbols…
Explain it to someone else
Make up your own examples
Explain connections between it and other facts / ideas
Recognise it in new situations and contexts
Use it!
‘Greater depth’
All pupils benefit from deepening their understanding of Mathematics.
Pupils are given time to explore and apply ideas (rather than accelerate through new topics). The challenge comes from investigating it in new, alternative and more complex ways.
Click on this link for some fun maths games Maths Chase